Cupping in Acupuncture and the News!
Cupping, sometimes referred to as fire cupping, is an age-old technique used to relieve muscular skeletal or myofascial pain. It is also used to treat anxiety. During the procedure, glass or plastic cups are applied to the skin. By using fire or suction, skin is pulled into the cups. Sometimes the cups are moved around by the practitioner and sometimes they remain stationary. Patients often experience discoloration in the form of dark circles on the skin after the procedure. The procedure is not painful and the discoloration is normal.
Many professional athletes are now using cupping, but it is not a new fad. This traditional Eastern medicine protocol has been used by acupuncturists for thousands of years. Many massage therapists are also using the technique. A recent story on WRAL News highlighted the benefits of cupping. To see that story, click here.
If you have any questions about
Cupping in Acupuncture
please give us a call at (919) 891-9991.