Ear Acupuncture, and the NADA protocol, sometimes referred to as “five point ear acupuncture,” is an auricular protocol in which fine, stainless steel needles are inserted into five acupuncture points in the ear. In some cases, practitioners use small seeds, such as mustard seeds, instead of needles. These seeds are taped over the points. The needles or the seeds remain in place for 30 to 50 minutes at a time.
The NADA acronym comes from the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. This organization was founded by Dr. Michael Smith and seeks to promote the use of the NADA protocol in the practice of acupuncture. The NADA protocol was started in the 1970’s by Dr. Smith who was looking to assist patients with drug addiction, namely herion.[1] After much experimentation, Dr. Smith settled on five particular points that help a patient reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. The five points used in the NADA protocol are all along the patient’s outer ear. The first point used in the protocol is the Sympathetic point. The Sympathetic point, along with the next point called “Shen Men,” produces a sensation of relaxation, and reduces tension, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The other points, associated with the lung, liver and kidney channels, help detoxify the body and produce a calming and relaxing effect.
Over time, the NADA protocol has been found to be effective, not only for the treatment of drug and nicotine addiction, but also for patients suffering from ADHD, trauma, and anxiety disorders. Usually this protocol is performed in a group setting and supplemented with other supportive medical treatments such as individual counseling and group therapy. Patients receiving the NADA protocol often report feeling relaxed, with a reduction in anxiety, cravings, and sleep disturbances.
If you are interested in the NADA protocol, please contact our office to make an appointment. We offer this service to individual patients who meet the criteria, and we are in the process of incorporating a community acupuncture group into our portfolio of services.
[1] http://www.acupuncturetoday.com/abc/nadaprotocol.php
If you have any questions about
Ear Acupuncture and the NADA protocol
please give us a call at (919) 891-9991.