Massage therapy is usually associated with spas and resorts. People envision relaxing beach side on a massage table, near palm trees, [...]
Assisted Stretching, or Personal Stretch Recovery (PSR), is now being offered at Sage Pain & Recovery Alternatives with our certified [...]
PEMF Therapy Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), sometimes referred to as low-field magnetic stimulation, is an increasingly [...]
Sage Pain & Recovery Alternatives now offers sound therapy to complement our acupuncture, massage, and other alternative modalities. [...]
Raleigh Community Acupuncture is being offered again at our clinic! It has been a trying few years for all of us in the health industry. [...]
Free Acupuncture Treatments We are proud to announce that since we reopened the Sage Pain & Recovery Clinic in June 2020, we have [...]
Sage Stick SMUDGING: The benefits of Sage In these uncertain and challenging times when many of us are confined to our [...]
Natural supplements and Covid-19 Natural supplements and Covid-19, what is right for you? We are being inundated with new [...]
Cupping in Acupuncture and the News! Cupping, sometimes referred to as fire cupping, is an age-old technique used to [...]
There are many articles in the news recently about hemp and CBD oil. Hemp farms and hemp pharmacies are springing up around [...]