CORONAVIRUS: Be prepared
An outbreak of a new coronavirus (COVID-19) has been developing since December 2019. Thousands of cases have been confirmed in several countries including the United States. Experts say this virus is deadlier than the flu and other respiratory illnesses.
What can you do to prepare?
1. Take steps to prevent the transmission of the illness by washing your hands regularly, covering your coughing or sneezing, and avoiding touching your face. Make sure to clean and disinfect surfaces in your home and at work.
2. Build up and maintain your immune system. This will help your body ward off the illness, and enable you to recover more quickly when you are stricken. Regular acupuncture and certain supplements, such as Elderberry, can keep your body in a position to heal itself more quickly.
Acupuncture is an affordable and painless way to keep the body healthy and its immune system functioning properly. At our office, we use the latest technology to promote natural healing in the body. We can help enhance recuperative power, boost the immune system, support physical and emotional health, and improve your body’s overall function and well-being. Acupuncture is safe, painless, and effective.
Please review the CDC’s fact sheet if you need additional information. What to Do If You Are Sick with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
If you have any questions about
CORONAVIRUS: Be prepared
please give us a call at (919) 891-9991.